Attendance is mandatory for concurrently enrolled high school seniors.
Students who are absent for two (2) weeks without prior notice will be dropped and required to re-enroll upon their return.
Eating and Drinking
There is no eating or drinking allowed in classrooms.
Payment of Fees
- Fees are to be paid in CASH ONLY.
- Money order is acceptable.
- NO REFUNDS. Refunds are prorated for cancelled classes only.
South San Francisco Unified School District (SSFUSD) accepts no liability for any vandalism, theft, or accidents that may occur within the parking facilities. Individuals' use of parking facilities occurs at their own risk.
Prohibited Conduct
Behavior that is contrary to accepted school rules include but are not limited to swearing, harassment, abusive conduct towards staff or fellow students, misuse and/or abuse of school property.
Improper conduct such as this will be cause for dismissal.
Public Transportation
The San Mateo County Transit District (SAMTRANS) provides public transportation to Baden's main campus via the ECR route.
Please call SamTrans at 1-800-660-4287 for more information or visit: http://www.samtrans.com/schedulesandmaps.html.
The City of South San Francisco also provides free, weekday shuttle service between SAMTRANS and Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) locations throughout South San Francisco with stops at major landmarks such as libraries, city hall, parks, and senior centers.
Call 650-877-8550 or visit the South City website for more information: https://www.ssf.net/services/free-south-city-shuttle
State law prohibits smoking on school campuses.
All visitors to Baden must register at the main office before proceeding to a classroom.
Students inviting guests to campus must request a visitors pass from their instructor.